Step 1
Before you get started be sure that you have:
2 Big rolls of duct tape (if you are 6ft or taller get an extra roll)
1 Measuring tape
1 Sharpie or similar marker
2 Broom sticks or poles to hold onto
1 Painters suit or full body jumpsuit (loose fitting)
A good pair of scissors or trauma sheers
Each body part will be labled on the Duct tape dummy (DTD) with the appropriate letter and measurement in inches. Please be precise! If you feel like you might need extra in a particular area write the baseline measurement and then on a separate sheet of paper let us know the areas that you might want more room on and why so we can accommodate you!
Step 2
Getting started!
Start applying tape to the across the body using foot long segments. Starting with the chest and legs. When you are placing the strips of tape use an X pattern in addition to placing strips horizontally and vertically.
Be sure to have adequate ventilation in the room so you subject doesn't overheat!
Step 3
The Arms!
This is the most exhausting part. Be sure to have those broom poles handy they will really help support your arms during the process.
Try to insure that the armpit region of the clothing is as close to the skin as possible before you tape it. This can cause your wrist to become more exposed on certain types of clothing. If that happens simply extend the area using paper towels to protect the skin.

Step 5
Cutting the dummy!
Before you pull out that pair of scissors be sure to mark along all the lines that you will be cutting adding X's so we can re-align and assemble the dummy back at our shop!
Use caution when cutting the suit off, we recommend using trauma sheers or similar types of scissors so you don't accidentally nip someone.
And you are done!
Please add your name and fursonas name in the dummie inside and outside. Fold it correctly and is ready to ship!
You are one step closer to have your fursuit made hurrah!